We will be speaking at "MarkeZine Day 2024 Spring," a marketing event that celebrates the intersection of tech and creativity.

January 18, 2024

Our Director, Hirosaki, will be speaking at "MarkeZine Day 2024 Spring," a long-awaited in-person event bringing together leaders who drive business growth through marketing. The session will focus on utilizing data through MOps to optimize marketing tactics in a data-driven manner, as well as best practices and frameworks for continuous improvement, incorporating the latest insights from Europe and the U.S.

Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 11:50 AM - 12:20 PM JST
Location: Venue B
Session Title: "The New Standard from the U.S. to Enhance Marketer Productivity with Marketing Operations (MOps)"
URL: https://event.shoeisha.jp/mzday/20240227/session/4910/

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