As a Global Strategy Consultant at Marketo (currently Adobe), Tatsuro led numerous clients to success by offering consulting services around redesigning marketing tactics, process management, and data-oriented marketing strategies. Most recently he joined Smart Drive Co., Ltd. as the Overseas Business Development Director and led the Malaysian market expansion. Currently, he is the CEO at 01GROWTH. He is also the author of "数字指向のマーケティング 数字に踊らされないための数字の読み方・使い方" (MarkeZine BOOKS) and ”マーケティングオペレーション(MOps)の教科書”(Markezine BOOKS), and “レベニューオペレーション(RevOps)の教科書 部門間のデータ連携を図り収益を最大化する米国発の新常識”(MarkeZine BOOKS).
Expertise: GTM strategy, Competitive strategy, Digital marketing strategy, Marketing operations, Customer success